Weekend late sleeping
Portrait with eyes closed on a floral sofa
Lazing around pillows and quilts
Life drawing at Holborn
Posing in between chairs
Staircase in Larch Rd. Cricklewood
Posing on a Persian rug
Le Coiffure at Østerbro
Summer balcony
Cakes at the Patisserie Cafe
Nyhavn Copenhagen
Ensuite room with Kitchenette. North London
Spring in Copenhagen
Sleeping on a striped blanket
She pulls up a sock
Two figures in silence
Siesta among lilies
Red-haired woman in Berlin
Bathroom at Larch Rd
Sunbathing in Barcelona
Port de la Selva's fishing boats
Laundry day in North London
Woman with a dog
Messy kitchen in Glasgow
Mediterranean shore
Sitting with the nordic light
Morning light at Østerbro
Outdoor in pink
Saturday morning room in Glasgow
Astrid in a white shirt
Brighton beach huts
Two figures in transition
Standing on the stairs
Dinner with Spanish wine
Reading with a blue cat
Sitting pose on a chair
Summer night apartments
Sleeping with a Scandinavian blanket
Posing at Bethnal Green with a pant
Mediterranean shore with boats
Laundry day in Shenley Church End
Standing with a turquoise cat
Gladstone Park
Posing on a bed
Yellow flowers at the Hammersmith Council Building
Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Views of Glasgow from my Kitchen
Posing without socks
Posing on a striped blanket
Posing on an old style bed
Sunbathing in Barcelona
Posing with a Scandinavian rug
Morning blue
Blue night with a cat
Breakfast time at Cricklewood
Posing with a cup of coffee
Vases with flowers
Messy kitchen at Cricklewood